Scenario 3

Yes on Question 1 and No on Question 2

Payment Advice for CPF Submissions – Scenario 3


  1. Click  for New Employee Records to add or modify a new employee record. The Payment Advice of New Employees page will be displayed.

Payment Advice of New Employees Page


  1. Click  to add new record. The Payment Advice of New Employees Search page will be displayed.

Payment Advice of New Employees Search Page


  1. Perform a search either through the CPF Account Number or Name.

Search Criteria


  1. Click .  Search results will be displayed on a dropdown list beside the search criteria fields.  Click the dropdown arrow to view the rest of the employees that matched the criteria.

Search Results


  1. Select a record and then click  .  The details of the selected employee will be retrieved and displayed in the Employee Contribution’s Detail section.  

Employee Contribution’s Detail Section


  1. Edit the necessary fields.


Click  to compute the CPF Contribution.  The Last Employment Date field is only required if the employee has resigned from the company.


  1. Click  to save the information.  

Employee Contribution’s Detail Section


Repeat the above steps to add another new employee. Otherwise, click to return to the Payment Advice of New Employees page with a summary of all the new employee details that have been added.


  1. Click  . The Contribution Details section will be updated accordingly.

Payment Advice of New Employees Contribution Details


  1. Click  to view the Payment Advice Summary Information.

Summary Information


Under Part 1- Summary Information, the system computes and displays the total CPF Contribution of all the employees plus the various levy, donations or funds. The data is editable on these fields, and then click  to re-compute the Total Amount Paid to reflect the latest figures.


  1. Click  to save the records.


Depending if you have Submission Rights, the following confirmation messages may be displayed.

Do Not Have Submission Rights

Have Submission Rights


  1. Click  to go back to the Payment Advice of New Employees page.